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Como interpretar o feedback do inquérito pós-evento para melhorar eventos futuros

Eventos virtuais
Logótipo Remo
Pessoal da Remo



16 de janeiro de 2024

In the world of virtual events, crafting remarkable virtual events isn't just about perfect planning and content delivery; it's about understanding your attendees fully. That's where post-event surveys shine. They're the compass guiding you through the uncharted waters of attendee feedback.

Once you've collected and analyzed feedback from your post event survey, it's time to transform those insights into action.

Here are some practical strategies for turning attendee feedback into event improvements:

  • Focus on High-Impact Changes: Identify feedback areas with the most significant impact. For example, if attendees express a desire for more interactivity, plan interactive sessions for the next event.
  • Show Attendees You're Listening: Acknowledge the feedback received and communicate planned improvements. If attendees want better networking opportunities, it’s not enough to just create more, you have to let them know you're doing that.
  • Experiment and Adapt: Be open to trying new ideas and formats your attendees suggest. For instance, if attendees ask for gamification, try implementing some gamified elements at your next.
  • Review and Reflect: Make sending and analyzing virtual event surveys a routine part of your post-event strategy. This way you can see how your events are improving over time and continuously enhance them.
  • Collaborate with Stakeholders: Involve your team and sponsors to celebrate your event's success and brainstorm improvements together. This collaborative approach sparks innovation and strengthens your event strategy.

By using feedback as a compass for improvement, you can ensure that each subsequent virtual event becomes more impactful and aligned with attendee expectations. Your commitment to evolving and optimizing your events will not only satisfy attendees but also lead to a loyal and growing audience.


Aumente o envolvimento e o ROI do seu evento

Descubra como o Remo pode aumentar a participação, o envolvimento e o valor do seu evento

  • 3,2x o envolvimento dos participantes

  • Autêntico trabalho em rede na sala de descanso

  • Características de apresentação interactivas e imersivas

  • Espaços para eventos totalmente personalizados

    Demonstração do livro
    Uma planta baixa Remo que aumenta o envolvimento e o ROI

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