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  • Organizar eventos virtuais sem problemas

  • 3.2x your attendee engagement

  • Deslocar-se livremente entre salas de descanso

  • Espaços virtuais com uma marca completa

Uma planta baixa Remo que aumenta o envolvimento
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Estratégias eficazes de reutilização de conteúdos de eventos para obter o máximo valor

Eventos virtuais
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Pessoal da Remo



16 de janeiro de 2024

In the world of virtual events, the final curtain call is just the beginning of a broader engagement journey. Repurposing and strategically sharing event content enables you to extend your event's influence, nurture new leads, and maintain lasting connections with your audience. 

Repurposing your event content is a strategic game-changer, allowing you to extract maximum value from your virtual event investment. Here are some powerful strategies to make the most of your content:

  • Multi-Channel Distribution: Don't limit your content to a single platform. Share it across various channels and in various formats, from your website to social media to email marketing. This approach broadens your reach and ensures your content resonates with diverse audiences.
  • Content Fragmentation: Break down long videos or presentations into bite-sized pieces. These smaller segments are more shareable and digestible, making it easier for your audience to engage with them on social media and other platforms.
  • Interactive Content: Transform static content, like slideshows or PDFs, into interactive materials, such as quizzes, polls, or infographics. This not only enhances user engagement but also provides valuable data on your audience's preferences and interests.
  • Evergreen Content: Aim to repurpose evergreen topics first, these are topics that remain relevant long after the event ends. Create blog posts, eBooks, or guides around these subjects to keep attracting traffic and leads over time.
  • Feedback Integration: Incorporate feedback and questions from your audience into your repurposed content. Addressing their concerns and interests demonstrates that you value their input and strengthens your connection with them.

Embrace the power of post-event content with these strategies, and watch your virtual event's impact continue to resonate and grow, even long after the virtual stage lights have dimmed. It's more than content; it's the bridge that keeps your current audience engaged while exciting new potential audience members.


Aumente o envolvimento e o ROI do seu evento

Descubra como o Remo pode aumentar a participação, o envolvimento e o valor do seu evento

  • 3,2x o envolvimento dos participantes

  • Autêntico trabalho em rede na sala de descanso

  • Características de apresentação interactivas e imersivas

  • Espaços para eventos totalmente personalizados

    Book Demo
    Uma planta baixa Remo que aumenta o envolvimento e o ROI

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